Friday, October 25, 2019

Library Management System Project In C++

Description :-
                      Library Management System is based on a concept of recording owned books, issued books, returned books, students who have borrowed and many more. Before stepping into the main system a user has to pass through a login system to get access, there are two types of login i.e Student and Librarian Login. To get access to the Librarian’s account, a password should be provided for the Librarian only. There are many features in this project. The user can also change the password from the system for their own security.

Features :-
  1. Login System
  2. Login options
  3. Books branch
  4. Add, modify, view and delete books
  5. Issue book
  6. Re-issue book
  7. Return book
  8. Change password
  9. Fine charging system

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